Porterville Post � - The Right News at the Right Time

- with -
Ed McKervey

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Part 1 • 08/16/23
Part 2 • 08/23/23
Part 3 • 08/30/23
Part 4 • 09/06/23
Part 5 • 09/13/23
Part 6 • 09/20/23
Part 7 • 09/27/23
Part 8 • 10/04/23
Part 9 • 10/11/23
Part 10 • 10/18/23
Part 11 • 10/25/23
Part 12 • 11/01/23
Part 13 • 11/08/23
Part 14 • 11/15/23
Part 15 • 11/22/23
Part 16 • 11/29/23
Part 17 • 12/06/23
Part 18 • 12/13/23
Part 19 • 12/20/23
Part 20 • 12/27/23


Part I • 01/03/24
Part II • 01/10/24
Part III • 01/17/24
Part IV • 01/24/24
Part V • 01/31/24
Part VI • 02/07/24
Part VII • 02/14/24
Part VIII • 02/21/24
Part IX • 02/28/24
Part X • 03/06/24
Part XI • 03/13/24
Part XII • 03/20/24
Part XIII • 03/27/24
Part XIV • 04/03/24
Part XV • 04/10/24
Part XVI • 04/17/24
Part XVII • 04/24/24
Part XVIII • 05/01/24
Part XIX • 05/08/24
Part XX • 05/15/24
Part XXI • 05/22/24
Part XXII • 05/29/24

Carrol's Tire Warehouse

The Porterville Post | UNALIENABLE RIGHTS

(Intro & Bio) - UNALIENABLE RIGHTS© with Ed McKervey :

UNALIENABLE RIGHTS © With Ed McKervey We can no longer sit on the sidelines as spectators we must all get engaged and work together to create the desired outcomes for our families. We must work together for the good as is clearly stated in Romans 8.

We must all live out our calling by renewing our minds and overcoming evil with good as is clearly written in Romans 12. We must be informed and engaged contending for the faith through reason and action.

The animating spirit is why I get up in the morning. Every moment is precious and as you get older they become more precious.

We all have to make the best of the time we are given. We are all in the process of becoming the question is always: “what are we becoming?”

The way the truth and the life is calling all of us.

Will We Heed The Call?

(Jul 24 2024) - THE PAPER BOY : Part VIII
PORTERVILLE, CA -- Growing up poor, we didn’t know we were poor Growing up in Porterville was awesome. When we were little we had a baby sitter before we were big enough to be latch keys kids. That was back before Zalud Park. Zalud Park was just a drainage ditch with bike trails. Our small town was so cool. Back then we were latch key kids and that meant we had some responsibility to keep the house locked up and safe. It also meant we had to get to and from school on our own and fend for ourselves in the afternoon. We all loved to watch the Adams Family on TV for laughs but the sentiment on TV back then even in satire was about family values.

(Jul 17 2024) - THE PAPER BOY : Part VII
PORTERVILLE, CA -- Green Sheets: There is no such thing as Extra Money In my youth there were no elaborate play dates and we made our own cakes to save money. Watching the ladies who decorated cakes at Smiths Market was cool, those ladies had skill. Admiring the airbrush artwork at Smith’s bakery was the closest we got to the food network. Most did not have much but we had the things that were most important. Life with family, freedom and faith. We did not take any of these for granted. TV signed off with our national anthem indicating it was time for bed followed by a glaring test pattern. We rested before the next busy day and the responsibilities that accompany freedom.

(Jul 10 2024) - THE PAPER BOY : Part VI
PORTERVILLE, CA -- It’s not safe to be a Paper Boy anymore. Give a hoot don’t pollute was a friendly way to communicate that we should all care about the world we lived in. We didn’t need the “Sky is Falling” rhetoric that said if we pollute we might die or kill the planet. Public service announcements were much more light hearted and encouraging. It was OK back then to shame people that littered and polluted. Now we allow vagrants to urinate and defecate on our streets. We cared about our forests and loved Smokey the bear. He was on TV and we saw him in the local parades hanging out with the fire department.

(Jul 03 2024) - THE PAPER BOY : Part V
PORTERVILLE, CA -- The Paper Boy was great job for kids. There were no drive by shootings, we all played outside in front of our houses or down at the park. We swam at Murray park pool. We rode our bikes or walked everywhere we went. The platform at the pool was deemed too dangerous but we all loved jumping off that platform, we still talk about it today. The freedom of those days reminds me today of the Stephen King short story “Stand by Me.” Life back then was about freedom and adventure - not safety and security. I watched Mr. Smith goes to Washington last year it’s a classic American Tale.

(Jun 26 2024) - THE PAPER BOY : Part IV
PORTERVILLE, CA -- If it’s not in print did it really happen? As a boy I was always an avid reader. The adventure of the mind cannot be replicated or replaced. The long form pod cast might be great to listen to a lecture or learn about something and can be very powerful. In fact you can learn more today from a long form podcast than you would in any classroom in America because it would be something that you were focused on and less socially engineered and more focused on learning. I read whole shelves of mystery books as a child and the theater of the mind is much more fulfilling than a CGI movie and you get to take part in the adventure.

(Jun 19 2024) - THE PAPER BOY : Part III
PORTERVILLE, CA -- Please add the Paper Boy to the endangered species list It’s still not hip to be square but it is trending. We are starting to use the words but saying “it’s all good” is just more of the same broad way culture marching to destruction. We are not really reversing course yet but something is shifting. My instincts are that we are on the cusp of a reckoning. A reckoning might be painful and necessary as we all will have to pull together out of necessity. Restoring the bonds of the family and the churches to get through this next period seems likely. We print money to avoid the pain of bankruptcy and now that’s run its course.

(Jun 12 2024) - THE PAPER BOY : Part II
PORTERVILLE, CA -- Did the Hockey Puck Displace the Paper Boy? This is our country, don’t you want our country to be great? The culture of the anti-Americans were around when I was young but they were fringe minority. Patriotism in my childhood was sacred and we had great respect for those that sacrificed in the past for our freedom. We didn’t just give lip service saying Thanks for your service.” Contrast today’s university students and teachers that deride patriotism and teach history through the lens of race while denigrating the founders. REAL Original source history is rarely taught in school anymore. Why would you walk out of your own graduation?

(Jun 05 2024) - THE PAPER BOY : Part I
PORTERVILLE, CA -- It’s Still a Free CountryTom Aldine The character the paper boy invokes a general idea about recent past American culture. For the younger reader it may seem outdated or nostalgic because we really don’t have paper boys anymore. I will try in this series to describe the culture through a local prism and circumstances around what a paper boy is through my own lens. I was a paper boy and over the years had many experiences that continue inform me today. Before I get into the details of the paper boy I will spend a little time talking about the culture from my perspective ...
Bail Jumpers
Gang Info
U.S. Troops
Estab. Jan 2008

Welcome to the newest on-line news service in the Porterville area. Our goal is to report the right news at the right time. In doing this, we believe that the community will get a greater sence of being connected.

The Right News @ The Right Time

Our second goal is to report above and beyond the main stream media.

Politically Inform and Educate

Our third goal is to politically inform and educate the public at lareg.

A Conservative Publication

The Porterville Post is a conservative publication and news service and when the Post makes a mistake in our reporting, we'll address it "Right Here" and if needed, with an appology. Please feel free to contact us with your comments or suggestions.

Writers | Columnists | Reporters

The Post, in the next few months, we'll be looking for new writers, columnists and reporters. We understand the need for new writers to have the chance of starting a new career and we'd like to offer a free internship at the Post.


  • THE PAPER BOY » Part I
  • THE PAPER BOY » Part V


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