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The "RIGHT" Word©
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Brother Scott
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Print | When War Comes Home !!!
The Right Word© - Oct 08, 2023
with Brother Scott : scott@portervillepost.com

THE RIGHT WORD - with Brother Scott

[Referenced: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-5]

As Christians we are children of light and of the day—living in an ever-more-darkening world—but if we walk about with our eyes closed, light does us no good at all. Our country has not seen war on its lands since the terrible Civil War in the mid-1800s. There were reports of a Japanese submarine spotted off the Los Angeles County, San Pedro coastline during the WWII timeframe, and supposedly sunk, but we have not had foreign military invaders on U.S. soil since the British were expelled during the Revolutionary War.

But this is soon to change—you need to know that, believe it as true, and make plans and preparations to live through it as a Christian.

Right to the point: One or more of the following list of possible events will be the prelude to an invasion by foreign forces—their effects being a distraction, chaos, and the weakening of law enforcement and military effectiveness, strength, and numbers. You should know that such an invasion is prophesied by Henry Gruver and Dumitru Duduman, as well as the revealed plans of Russia and China.

Possible events include:

1.) Something within the U.S. or staged somewhere else that becomes the catalyst for military action against others (consider events such as Japan/Pearl Harbor, Viet Nam/Gulf of Tonkin, 911/Iraq).

2.) A civil war breaking out in the U.S.

3.) Some form of nuclear or radiological device or suicide bombers being used to begin disruptions in our society.

4.) An electromagnetic pulse that permanently takes down all or large portions of our power grid.

5.) A catastrophic natural disaster of an intensity never before imagined.

6.) Our nation’s economy collapsing and its peoples having no money, food, jobs, or medical care and medications.

7.) A hard lock-down of the country due to any of these events or a new and lethal virus.

8.) Resistance to the visible arrival of U.N. forces for “humanitarian reasons”.

Things that will happen when an invasion begins—things that are normal military tactics and the first events when war erupts in a country:

1.) All or nearly all means of communication will be disabled (TV programming, landline phones, cell service, Internet, possibly satellite phone availability; and also, CB and ham-radio transmissions can be interfered with and tracked). You will not be able to communicate with family or friends by such means or others to find out what’s happening or coming your way. TV and radio broadcasts can be used for propaganda purposes benefitting those in control.

2.) Travel will be stopped by military and in other places by armed civilian roadblocks, some roads, bridges, and aircraft runways will be bombed, and fuel supplies confiscated and no longer available, including natural gas and propane. For many people, wherever they are when these more serious things suddenly happen will be where they will have to stay.

3.) The power grid will go down by one means or another. No electricity means no lights, no heat in the cold, no air conditioning when it is hot, no refrigeration for food, no water in the faucets, toilet tanks, or hot water heaters, city sewer services will fail to work, and no electric cars! These things will be especially bad for hospitals, and convalescent or retirement-home facilities.

4.) All food and medical supply deliveries will cease and local grocery and pharmacy supplies will run out—not within days but hours. What you have at home is all you will have to make-do with for an extended period of time. Oh, my! Can you imagine a city with no psych-drugs, bipolar or pain medications!

5.) The already bad people will begin ravaging markets, travelers, anyone found on the streets, and even homes. Many good people will descend into desperation and do things for food and water that they would not have before. (My YouTube message: When Good People Go Bad)

6.) When the invading military gets to your town, they will do anything they want to, take whatever they want, and show no mercy. Block-by-block and house-by-house searches will happen as they look for firearms, valuables, certain persons, women, food and fuel.

7.) Explosions, gunfire, screams for help, and fires will become commonplace. There will be no police or other emergency services—no agency will come to your aid.

8.) The cities will be the first to be affected, then the urban areas and eventually the rural regions as the invasion forces become available to spread out.

9.) Friends and even some family members will turn on one another because of these conditions and many will die.

Why this uncomfortable discussion? As you have heard for months now, the nations of the world are preparing for the next world war. China’s economy is decelerating from a recession into a very soon depression. Reports are that it cannot feed all its 1.4 billion citizens even one simple bowl of rice a day, and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has become very aggressive toward all her neighbors with not the least being neighboring Taiwan. Russia is rising up against the western nations and has the military prowess to defeat several substantial militaries all at once. In general terms—this bear just wants to be left alone but the US and NATO are poking it and others are throwing rocks at it from a distance.

What does the Bible say about the end of the age, which is somewhere at the 6,000-year mark since creation? We know from Daniel, from what Jesus taught us in the Gospels, and what John wrote in the book of the Revelation that the most terrible of times will arise leading to the death of several billion of the now 8 billion people on the earth, and an almost total destruction of the planet. A time like has never been nor will be ever again.

And yes, the USA is going to be a main target for several reasons as the judgment of God for its abominations is released. What are you and I to do before war comes home? What should we be doing right now and until then? We should be spiritually and physically preparing our hearts and minds and our homes and families. A man, parents, and all response-able-adults will give an account before God for having heard but not acted on such advance warnings as this one.

[Referenced: Proverbs 22:3, Psalm 27:1-3]

So where will your thoughts go when the news is heard that a war involving several powerful nations has just broken out? More to the point: What will you do when reports come-in that the United States of America has come under siege by one means or another especially on the day when we have been invaded by foreign military forces?

Will you:

• Sit in unbelief that it is true until you see our big cities being burned and bombed?

• Rush to the grocery store for the supplies you should already have only to be shocked by the several hundreds of people that got there ahead of you?

• On the way you notice your fuel tank is down to a quarter-tank and the gas stations already have lines 25 cars long—and you can’t spend the time in line for a 10-gallon limit—you need to get food first!

• Will you dash off to the bank to get your money out only to find the doors locked, the ATMs down, and all stores’ credit-card readers not working and you have no cash to speak of at home?

• Try calling family members in other states but there is no phone service?

• By The Way: Your extended family members will be coming to your place from the bigger cities—what will you do for food, and where will you get drinking water when the grid goes down (and it will go down if it hasn’t already)?

• Your spouse is spooked and your children are scared by the news and all the confusion—what do you say since you are, too? Your neighbors are running around the neighborhood looking for answers that you need also.

• Will you pack up your tent, dump all your stored food and water in the trunk, and rush the family into the SUV and head for a safer location—oh, but you don’t have any of these things and no gas to go?

[Referenced: Proverbs 6:-11, Proverbs 10:5, Proverbs 18:9, 1 Timothy 5:8]

When World War II broke out the U.S. stayed out of it still stinging from the effects of WWI—that is until Pearl Harbor was attacked because of the very same economic conditions we have imposed on Russia today. Almost overnight we went from a peace-time goods and services producing nation to a war-time economy making aircraft and tanks, bullets and bombs, and other needed military goods. We were a major military power capable of inserting huge amounts of equipment and manpower into two war-fronts: Europe and the far western-Pacific regions.

We can no longer effectively do that today but have become nearly flightless sitting ducks in a pond that many want for themselves—not the least of those is China’s Communist Government. We have these militarily powerful countries of China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, and North Korea making final preparations to come to America—and not for our Frappuccino's and trips to our museums and national parks. You should watch both versions of the movie “Red Dawn” to wake up your mind and heart about what is coming.

[Reference: Psalm 144:1-2]

Your mission, if you choose to accept it (Mr. Phelps), is to ready your spiritual and physical life and your household for what I have described today. Stop squandering your money on new technology, new cars, new entertainment means, and new clothes (unless they are warm-weather clothes and footwear), and (if you haven’t already begun) start this week to set aside the means for you and your family to face the sure and certain loss of the lifestyle you have known. People that see these dangers for what they are realize that when these things happen, when war comes home to our land, cities, and small towns, they will either be killed or men used for a time as workers and women as sex-slaves.

A small eyes-wide-open population in America is preparing to have to leave their homes and flee to a safe place with the basics of what they will need to survive. They have a large tent (tarp), plenty of blankets or sleeping bags, wood-burning cooking equipment, defensive weapons, stored food, some water and a good quality water filter, and they have plans on where they will go that is out of the reach of gangs and armies. And, by the way, how does one defend against a well-armed ground or airborne force(?) but by their well-developed spiritual life and trust in God! Have I described you and your household? I dearly hope so. After having done at least these very basic things then you can stand on the Word of God for what you will need that you could not have prepared for.

[Referenced: Matthew 4:2-4, Proverbs 3:4-6, Hebrews 13:5-6]

WAR IS COMING HOME and when it strikes it will be so fast that there will be no time and nothing left to go buy that you should have had already.

With ... The Right Word© ... Brother Scott

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