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James E. (Jim) Horn
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Print Are We Americans Being Duped ?
Right Insight© - Dec 06 2019
with James E. (Jim) Horn : james@portervillepost.com

RIGHT INSIGHT © with James E. (Jim) Horn I am sick and tired of all of this phony impeach Trump nonsense. The Democrats, driven by hatred and fear of President Trump just won’t give up. First, it was Stormy, then the Russians (are coming) hoax, and now the Ukranian hoax, soon to be another hoax.

We know that Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi are insanely manipulative liars. Chuckie Schumer is waiting in the wings for the impeachment process to hit the Senate where he can lie and fulminate in front of the cameras.

What or who is behind all of this? Who are the stakeholders?

Hillary of course is furious that she lost out to Trump after Obama wiped her out in 2008. The Russians own Hillary pure and simple, but she is losing traction and Putin cannot help her.

George Soros hates Trump and every sane, reasonable, responsible American and is more than likely paying to fuel the Trump haters.

"The “swamp” hates Trump because he is not accepting them and their one world government gambits." -- James E. Horn

The “swamp” hates Trump because he is not accepting them and their one world government gambits.

Western Europe’s leaders are regularly hoisted on their petards by Trump and most of them would like to see him go away.

Trump is cutting off the UN’s water and they despise him for this, but aside from fulminating and useless plotting, they can’t do much to hurt him.

The Umma (world of Islam) are hateful of all non-Moslems and those who support wars that cause them harm (including one-another at times). The Iranians and Saudis (for different reasons) threw millions at supporting Obama, and later Hillary with mixed results. Cut off from U.S. largesse, Pakistan has many grievances, especially since Trump has warmed up to India.

The biggest stakeholder is the least openly hostile or vocal – CHINA. Emperor Xi (he is president for life – same as emperor) is (losing face) being humbled by President Trump who is bringing great stress to the Chinese economy which supports China’s expanding military, global expansion, and espionage. Trump weighed in on Hong Kong to China’s chagrin. Toppling Trump is a - if not the major goal of China.

"The biggest stakeholder is the least openly hostile or vocal – CHINA"

China is in the catbird seat holding enormous power and influence over Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and dozens of other prominent social media players. These outfits are already kowtowing to China by censoring social media to Trump’s and the conservative movement’s disadvantage.

And, rather than pouring tons of money into support for Trump’s political adversaries, the Chinese are making fools like Zuckerman at Facebook, Google’s (and YouTube’s) Sundar Pichai Sergey Brin and Eric Schmidt, Twitter’s Jack Dorsey, and dozens of lesser players, all who hold enough capital to collectively tell China to stuff it, but have been bullied and conditioned to accept China’s edicts to them.

By acknowledging that there may not be a trade deal with China before the 2020 elections has President Trump admitted a failure? This may not be good news.

President Trump must grab this dragon by the whiskers and take strong action or the Chinese along with their partners and surrogates may control the outcome in 2020.

James E. Horn is a Retired American Diplomat
He is an activist, a writer, and a speaker who knows his subject
Print Friendly and PDF He can be reached at james@portervillepost.com

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