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RIGHT from Springville©
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Bob Inabinette
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Print | Congress-Stupid is as Stupid does
Right from Springville© - Jul 19 2011
with Bob Inabinette : bobeye@portervillepost.com

RIGHT from Springville © with Bob Inabinette Congress spends too much time in session otherwise we wouldn't have so many stupid laws and Congress wouldn't have enough time to get in areas where they don't even remotely belong.

Look at the case of Roger Clemens, the major league baseball player, who was called before Congress who questioned him about steroid use during his baseball career. Clemens denied using enhancing drugs but Congress thought there was evidence that he did. They indited Clemens and ordered him prosecuted for perjury. What, someone lied to Congress? As you probably know by now Clemens was put on trial and in the second day of testimony the judge declared a mistrial because the federal prosecutors screwed up! Now just think how much this has cost the taxpayers to this point. There may be a re-trial but I hope not!

Here is my problem with this: What the hell is Congress doing poking their noses into this situation? Baseball is a sport for entertainment and is no business of Congress. Any wrong doing should be handled by the baseball commission and not Congress. If the baseball commission and the fans want to put up with cheating players then so be it. The fans are paying the price tab by buying tickets and not the taxpayers. I personally don't know if Clemens used drugs or not and am only criticizing Congress getting involved and consequently causing Clemens to be tried in a court of law. We do know that players have been using enhancing drugs for years and the major problem I have with that is it tarnishes the records set by players like Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantel and other greats. Babe and Mickey were known "boozers" which probably only reduced their effectiveness. If Congress feels that they need to regulate sports they should have started with professional wrestling. They could insist that the wrestlers all have to join the Actors Guild!

The other problem is that Congress is like the "pot calling the kettle black!" Congress has been lying to us since they came into existence and we have to pay them to do it! The most recent that we know of is the pervert, Anthony Wiener, declaring that he never sent lewd pictures of himself to young women on the Internet. He finally confessed and resigned his seat. Note: His wife probably has no problem with this since she is Muslim and believes in Sharia law. She works for Hillary Clinton whose husband lied to her and the American people before he admitted it. I guess that at first he didn't think that a BJ was sex especially since he was doing business on the phone while it was going on. If I listed all the lies that Congress, and presidents, have told us it would make the Obamacare documents look like a post script to a greeting card! Obama lied himself into office and the idiots who voted for him bought all of his lies. My favorite is the video clip where Obama states that his father served in WWII and yet his father was 5 years old when WWII started! I never heard of anyone challenging his statement.

Congress spends too much time in DC passing stupid laws and not enough time being in their respective states and districts seeing how these laws affect the taxpayers who paid them to pass the stupid laws. They should spend more time listening to what we want rather than deciding what they want for us. The same thing applies to the states and how much time they should remain in session and how much they should be paid. Our state of CA is a prime example. Our budget is out of control, we have higher than average unemployment and we pay them too much for the harm they do to us.

Congress and other states should take a lesson from Texas's play book. The Texas Constitution limits their legislature to 140 calendar days in session per year. Their total compensation is $17,920.00 per year. Only the Governor may call a special session but their Constitution limits it to 30 days maximum per session and their pay is $600.00/month and $128.00/day per diem during special session. Their legislature is made up of 51 Senators and 151 Representatives. While I am not suggesting that Texas leaders are perfect, keep in mind that Texas has no state income tax, among all our states lowest unemployment rate and a very business friendly atmosphere that is a magnet for businesses to move there (like from CA) or start up a company there.

Remember in 2012!

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