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RIGHT from Springville©
- with -
Bob Inabinette
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Print | What's happened to personal responsibility ?
Right from Springville© - Sep 01 2012
with Bob Inabinette : bobeye@portervillepost.com

RIGHT from Springville © with Bob Inabinette There have now been two letters to editor in the Porterville Recorder complaining about no one else taking care of THEIR loved ones graves! Why is it not THEIR responsibility to take care of the graves?

I have a unique idea: The ones who have loved ones buried there should get together and take care of the cemetery! It would not be that much of an effort it everyone pitched in. Will these people ask someone else to take care of their lawns at home next?

The next ridiculous thing is PUSD asking for bonds of $100 million to upgrade their schools while a large amount is for football stadiums, swimming pools, etc. $34 million is to come from our bankrupt state. That puts a burden on all CA residents to pay it back. Why us?

When I started school it was in a building that housed grades 1 through 12. There was a rumor, at the time, that some citizens of Vancleave, MS decide that we needed a new school that we couldn't afford, so someone set the school on fire and burned it to the ground. There still was no money for a new one. The grades of 1-6 were then taught in a Methodist Church building. The other classes were held in a "bare bones" building where I finished the 7th grade before leaving home in summer of 1947.

I spent the next four years, over three years in the Air Force, and the rest working or looking for work. I then decided to get more education and passed the GED to get my diploma but needed to take CA required courses to actually get my diploma, which I did. Was this because I was so brilliant? No!, It was because of the dedicated teachers that taught me! How many kids graduating the 12th grade today can even pass the GED test?

The point here is that it doesn't require fancy buildings and sports facilities in order to get a good education. It requires qualified, dedicated teachers! The only "sports facility" we had was a dirt basketball court when I attended school. We have to live within our means and make do with what we have until we can AFFORD it!

Over the years our government has promised us to rely on them from "cradle to grave." Our society now expects food, housing, clothes and even cell phones and big screen TV's to be provided by government. Who pays for this? Oh, now I know, the rich people who worked their butts off to make their money! What happens when we spend all of that?

Before the 1960's the parents took care of their children until they could make it on their own and when the parents got too old or sick then their children took care of them. Now we expect "society" to take care of our children and when the parents are, too old or sick, we expect "society" to take care of them!

"Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he can feed himself for life." You will note that the key is "TEACH!" Now let's use the word "Give." "Give a man enough rope and he will hang himself!"

Now we have too choices: "We can bury our heads in the sand and wait for the government to pull it our or we can pull it out ourselves before we suffocate!"

Well, much of this is covered in my book which many of you didn't read because the title is "too crude." Well our government is too crude and corrupt and you put up with that!

Right from Springville ...

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