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Muster "RIGHT" Here©
- with -
Sergeant Mack
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Print | There's STUPID and then There's WHAAAAT ???
Muster Right Here© - Nov 26, 2021
with Sergeant Mack : sgt.mack@portervillepost.com

Muster RIGHT Here - with Sgt Mack Stand at EASE!!!

Today, I heard something that has to go down in the annals of STOOOPID as a WHAAAAT??? You want to play that again? I couldn’t POSSIBLY have heard you right!!!! Even worse than “You have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it.” And that was a STINKER, FROM a STINKER!!!!

Un-COVER!!!! {Individual, silent, prayer or contemplation. In Jesus’ Name I pray, HOOOAAAAHHH!!! COVER!!! SEATS!!!!}

Some big hooohah was pontificating about vaccinating children and he said something to the effect that we’ll just have to wait and see how it works out. My IMMEDIATE thought was, “How about we line up 100 parents of prospective vaccine recipients and have them KICK YOU IN THE HEAD and see how THAT works out?” WORKS FOR ME!!!!

Bad enough that the jobama cabal wants to mandate jabs (thank God for Pres.Trump and the 5th district court) for ADULTS (get anywhere near me w/ a needle, I’ve got a hickory cane & I know how to use it!!!) but to inflict this on helpless CHILDREN, where are the Nuremburg trials when we need them?

"This IS a crime against HUMANITY and needs to be PROSECUTED AS SUCH." ... Sergeant Mack

This IS a crime against HUMANITY and needs to be PROSECUTED AS SUCH. I don’t know WHOSE DEEP POCKETS it is going into, but we are going to have to FOLLOW THE MONEY and HANG ‘EM HIGH, for the shameless way they have profited from the misery (and DEATH) they have caused with this poison they have unleashed on a gullible country.

I thank God we were guided (like Dennis Prager) to an effective protocol that knocked it out and we didn’t become “sheeple” going through the chute and getting “the jab”. Remember Ivermectin and other protocols ARE safe, despite the gov’t lies and they WORK!!!! When I hear the commercials saying that the vaccines are safe and effective, I’m reminded of the commercials from the movie “Soylent Green” same mindless prattle.


I’ve been saying, for how long now ? that the leftist regimes are evil? Just heard something on Sean Hannity that seems to confirm it. Highly respected scientist said they could find no link between the chicom virus an any animals. The indication is that it was created in a lab.

Can you say conspiracy? Can you say crimes against humanity? I knew you could!!!! O WHATTAbummer and jobama have been the most evil politickians to come down to cesspool chute in my lifetime. Unfortunately, the former didn’t go away and I’m not sure the latter was ever (really) there. He may have just been possessed the entire time.

Just read about some athletes who were struck down by the “safe & effective” vaccine. “Come on, man.” Do you due diligence. Use your head for something more than to keep your ears apart. There is a reason jobama is trying to herd all of the “sheeple” into the chute to get a “jab” and it isn’t because it is good for you. GuarondamTEE you it is for some nefarious scheme of HIS.

When he was getting the prosecutor fired, by holding the 6 billion dollars as ransom, it was to benefit his son and no one else. Why should we think that he would, suddenly, have this urge to vaccinate all of us (U.S.) for OUR benefit? Can’t buy it, nope, nope.

Just got turned on to a website called “Genocide.news”. Has some interesting things to say about the gov’t and the vaccines. Check it out & form your own opinion. Hope that will take you to it. I’m not very computer literate.

But speaking of STOOOPID, we knew jerry nadler was LIABLE to be stupid, because he’s a demonrat. We knew he’s LIKELY to be stupid because he’s a new yorker, I mean they DID elect hitlery. We knew that there was an almost overwhelming propensity for him to be an evil, STOOOOOPID cesspool sludge bucket of filth because he’s a congressional lefty but come on man, this guy abuses the privilege.

There have to be limits on how far even one with HIS qualifications can go and he has FAR EXCEEDED them. SOMEBODY KICK HIS GLUTEOUS MAXIMUS UP ONTO HIS SHOULDERS, PLEASE!!!!

"Well GOOD ON THE RITTENHOUSE JURY and GOOD ON THE GOVERNOR for having the Guard on hand." ... Sergeant Mack

The jury said Rittenhouse was innocent. The judge was on the verge of declaring a mis-trial with prejudice (which I would have already done because of the GLARING mis-conduct of the persecution) the court of public opinion had him 85% innocent, b-4 the verdict except for the media and they’re a bunch of cesspool sludge so jerry who?? Jerry what ??? You Got some guy that is equivalent to the female cabal I call the squat: don’t know squat, not worth squat and he(?) decides to run his(?) mouth on a subject that has been decided by wiser heads. I’d say that (other than a bit of amusement value) this would have been wasted space and after you have had a chuckle, I’d advise that you forget you ever heard of what’s his name.

Just saw a poster of recommendations from a major kalifornia “city” in case you are the victim of a robbery. Basically it is lie down and submit. In contrast, our conservative Sheriff says, “If you can shoot the scum bag, call us & we’ll haul him off.” (Of course after the proper investigation.) What a difference a few hundred miles makes. You couldn’t PAY me to live in san franfecesco. Won’t even GO there anymore until they clean it up, feceswise AND cesspool sludge politickianwise.

Saw an interview with Mike Lindell and President Trump. Seems that Nov. 23rd some State Attys. General will be filing suit against the federal gov’t cabal over the stolen 2020 election. Godspeed Attys. General. Our prayers are with you. May God grant you success, according to Psalm 109:8. HOOAAAHHH!!!

HOOOOO BOY!!! The chief of the Norfolk P.D. shares the hypocrite of the decade award with dear old jobama. Seems chiefie marched IN FULL UNIFORM in a bowel liquid movement demonstration, holding the name of someone who had been shot by the Norfolk P.D. (justifiably?) and THEN fired one of the officers who (off-duty) made an anonymous donation to the Rittenhouse defense fund, so the young man could afford representation. Can you say scumbag ? I knew you could!!!

City council, how about you fire this mis-aligned, maladjusted, miserable excuse for a human being, before he embarrasses you any more? He has ALREADY made you look lower than a pig wallow. I hope the Officer sues for damages and gets punitive, INCLUDING the dismissal of the scumbag.

AND THEN THERE IS jobama. Don’t know if his press wonk is on gin or saki. Sometimes I think she’s just inhaling the fumes from jobama’s sulfurous exhalations. Anyway, she’s spouting his intention to defy thy 5th circuit ruling on the vaccine mandates. Hopefully, the public uprising will do what the rule of law has failed to do and put his lowness in his place. He needs to be taught, once and for all that he serves us, not the reverse.

"Our leaders, Like President Trump, are supposed to LEAD, not BOSS and we will FOLLOW, not be DRIVEN." ... Sergeant Mack

Our leaders, Like President Trump, are supposed to LEAD, not BOSS and we will FOLLOW, not be DRIVEN. jobama is trying to DRIVE us. I think he is going to to find out that we do not DRIVE well.

And speaking of STOOOPID, by now y’all have become accustomed to Sgt.Mack pontificating on various subjects as if I had a brain. Well I think it is helpful to remember that even our leaders have those times when circumstances overwhelm their brains and they enter the “brainlock zone”.

Recently I had a signal light go out and, after ascertaining that the bulb appeared to be good, I started looking at the wiring. After shortening the wiring past a couple of suspected bad spots, I realized that I was trying to create a circuit with 1 wire. As many circuits as I have wired, in my life, and I forgot that basic thing in my haste to “Gitter done”. Once I calmed down and returned to the basics of hot wire and ground, the little light went on. Amazing how going back to the basics can solve problems.

Sometimes, on these occasions, I want to find a convenient tree and bang my head against it, but I’m afraid I’ll hurt the tree. Y’ah know what I mean, Vern?

Well, got to cut this short. Trying to recuperate from the chicom virus, the walking pneumonia AND a tail over dashboard fall down a flight of stairs, at 74 ain’t easy and trying to get us moved back into our place & prepare to (possibly) move out of the socialist republic of kalifornia, all at the same time, it ain’t easy.

So, remember to pray Psalm 109:8 over the jobama cabal: May their time in office be short and someone ELSE take their office. Pray for Pres. Trump and the Att’ys General bringing suit against the “federal gov’t” and for the judicial system to have true juris PRUDENCE and do their duty.

On your FEET!!! Un-COVER!!!

{Heavenly Father we see a light at the end of the tunnel. Please let it reveal Your truth. In all things I thank You and praise You and, especially, I thank You for the Gift and Sacrifice of Your Son Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, in Whose Name I pray HOOAAAHHH!!!}

Sgt Mack Out, leaving the air and closing station, HOOAAAHHH!!!

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