Porterville Post © - The Right News at the Right Time

Muster "RIGHT" Here©
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Sergeant Mack
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Muster Right Here© - Nov 04 2009
with Sergeant Mack : sgt.mack@portervillepost.com

Muster RIGHT Here - with Sgt Mack Stand easy, Troops!! Best news we've had in a while. 2 dim-o-crass governors(?) lost out. White House says it isn't a repudiation of Obama. Gee, let's see. Every GOP loss was touted, by the dims as a repudiation of Pres. Bush.

So, what they're saying is that these guys were just idiots (on their own) & that the Obama-ites are still on-point. Well, if they screwed up by electing these guys, how much of a stretch is it to figure that they JUST MAY have screwed up, by electing Obama?

I know some conservatives who are kicking themselves for failing to hold their noses, as we did, and vote for McCain. Even though we haven't approved of everything he has done, in the Senate, I can't imagine him pulling half of the stuff B.O. has already done.

Bottom line is, if we can unseat all of the lefties who are trying to save their phony-baloney jobs, this November, we can, effectively, neuter B.O., until time to kick him out, unless, (if it sinks in through the layers of self-delusion, that he's losing his chance to "re-shape" America, in his socialist image) he does something totally stupid, like declare martial law & cancel the election.

Now I don't think he's that stupid, but I wouldn't have thought that the South would be stupid enough to attack the North, or that Japan would be stupid enough to attack us (especially when some of their best military minds seemed to warn against it) or that Hitler would do any number of stupid things or that B.O. would be stupid enough (in his own book "The Audacity of Hope" AKA "The Audacity of Hoping People Couldn't Read Well Enough to Find Discrepancies") to rail at the Republican southern Senators for threatening to filibuster something he was pushing as their predecessors did to equal rights legislation, when it was DEMOCRATIC southern Senators who filibustered civil rights. Look it up. I did!!!

Bottom line, if he's as stupid as I pray he isn't, but fear he is, we may have an upheaval to rival the Civil War, only this time ALL of the moral high ground will be with the rebels. Keep your powder dry & your Bibles open & your minds alert. God bless y'all & God bless America"!!! Dis-MISSED!!! Mack out, closing station & leaving the air.

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