Porterville Post © - The Right News at the Right Time

Muster "RIGHT" Here©
- with -
Sergeant Mack
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Print | NO EXCUSES!!! Always Be Prepared !!!
Muster Right Here© - Sept 16 2009
with Sergeant Mack : sgt.mack@portervillepost.com

Muster RIGHT Here - with Sgt Mack NO EXCUSES!!! None of my troops better get caught unprepared!!!

File in quickly, Troops. Take SEATS! Now, take notes! Living in the rarified air of the mountains, I guess I have overcome any effects of hypoxia (inadequate oxygen) that some of the visitors to our area seem to experience.

While driving in my A.O. (area of operation) I noticed a couple who seemed about to depart the road for a nature walk. Pulling over, I asked if they were locals. When they answered negatively, I asked if they were aware of all of the animal hazards at 3500 ft. Again, a negative. I informed them that we have bear, wild pig, mt. lion, bobcat, coyote & rattlesnake, as well as ticks that carry lyme disease.

I suggested that they not wander off the paved road without, at least, a hiking staff & preferably armed. I told them about finding 1/2 of a deer about 200 yards from my house (which everyone said was a mt.lion kill) and described the area. They asked if that was close to (xyz) campground. I confirmed the fact & they looked at each other & said "That's where the kids are. We'd better get back!" Not to be judgmental, but DUH!!!

There was some media coverage, some time ago, about an 8 year old girl, who left her party (at Johnsondale) to get her camera, from the car.

If you Troops decide to go camping ( or anywhere else) find out what hazards you might encounter. She was attacked by a mt.lion and lost an eye. Obviously someone (not the girl) was ignorant &/or stupid. Everyone is ignorant in some area, but going uninformed (into any unknown area) could easily be considered stupid.

Get the intel. Know if the stadium or theater, etc. is located in a high-crime area. Make an informed choice to go or pass. If you decide to go, take reasonable precautions.If you have a problem & get out O.K., you were either prepared or "dumb-lucky".I'll vote for prepared.

Remember, Troops, there is no excuse for standing by, w/ a surprised look on your face, while a member of your family or group is injured or killed. 'Nuff said!!

God bless y'all & God bless America!!! Class dis-MISSED!

Sgt Mack out, leaving the air & closing station.

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