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Muster "RIGHT" Here©
- with -
Sergeant Mack
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Print | Obama presidency, boon or bane ?
Muster Right Here© - Aug 23 2009
with Sergeant Mack : sgt.mack@portervillepost.com

Muster RIGHT Here - with Sgt Mack Stand easy, troops, just a brief stand-up, to put to rest the latest.

S.H.(latrine) rumors. I've been hearing a whole bunch of S. (stuff), about B.H.O., the guy in the White House. I'm here to tell you the facts. I haven't got the vaguest idea!!! I would suggest, however, that you follow my lead. Get his books, from used bookstores, the library, etc, & READ THEM!!! Then you will know, from his own words, irrefutable, what he intends for the American people.

I saw an excerpt in which he said that he quit advertising his mother's race, because he felt that he was pandering to whites. This was presented in a manner that made it seem objectionable, if not sinister. Taken in context, I see nothing wrong with that statement. I am sure that some of my ancestors (Irish & Cherokee Indian) had reason to have mixed feelings about identifying their ethnicity.

I am, deeply, concerned about the direction in which our government has careened out of control (for decades) becoming less and less responsive to the needs and legitimate concerns of their employers (We, The People...[remember us?]). It is, however, important that "We, The People..." who are the a-fore mentioned employers, assess our employees fairly and reasonably, at least those of us who are capable of rational thought should do so. Running around screaming "The sky is falling!!!", because an acorn (no pun intended) hit us on the head, is counterproductive and reminds me of a group of people to whom I don't wish to be compared.

Remember, a large segment of the population & some very well-intentioned, extremely patriotic people, of high integrity voted for B.H.O. Possibly they were right. Maybe they saw something the rest of the country didn't. At any rate, If anyone is to be convinced that there is something amiss, in D.C., it needs to be done with fact, not emotion. Knowledge and the truth will do more than histrionics.

Take a lesson from our founders. They laid it out, fact, upon fact, upon fact, until the world knew what jerks the king and parliament were. Also, remember the cowboy creed: "To ride hard, shoot straight (God forbid the necessity) and SPEAK THE TRUTH!!!"

Now get out of my sight & keep supporting America! God bless y'all & God bless America!!! Class dis-MISSED!!!

Sgt Mack out, leaving the air & securing station.

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