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Muster "RIGHT" Here©
- with -
Sergeant Mack
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Print | Chrislam? What the devil (& I do mean devil) is that ???
Muster Right Here© - Mar 17, 2019
with Sergeant Mack : sgt.mack@portervillepost.com

Muster RIGHT Here - with Sgt Mack

Stand at EASE!!!

Been hearing some unsettling noises that indicate that some mega-churches may have been co-opted by the forces of the “dark side” having nothing to do w/ racism, but strictly evil. Continue to watch this space, as I expect all will be revealed, presently. In the meantime, we’ll keep trucking and deal with the evil we can see.

’Un-COVER!!! (Individual, silent prayer or contemplation.) In Jesus’ Name I pray, HOOAAAHHH!!! COVER, SEATS!!

The Li’l Corporal & I have been invited to view something that sounds VERY disturbing, so stay tuned for developments, but carry on w/ your duties. We’ll make it known as we know something.

Meanwhile, back in (but not OF) the world, as Bob Grant (radio talk show host) so aptly opined, “It’s sick and getting sicker!!”

new yecch, sin fransh##sco (new name for s.f.) and the other cabals of leftist evil are getting more and more arrogant and obvious. Anyone with “eyes to see” can discern the wrongness that festers there.

The shocking thing (but not very) is that the leftist dim-o-cr-ASS-ics are making the cesspools of America even worse.

Please join my crusade to have the word “democratIC”stricken from use as the name of the democrat party. It is a lie. The republican party (of, by and for the people) is far more democratIC than the dim-o-cr-ASS-ic party.

Please join my crusade to have the word “democratIC”stricken from use as the name of the democrat party. It is a lie. The republican party (of, by and for the people) is far more democratIC than the dim-o-cr-ASS-ic party.

Please ask all of your friends and contacts to contact their favorite talk show hosts and ask them to change their usage to the accurate “democrat party”.

When I was, last, in washington, the district of criminals (while assigned to Fort Belvoir) I was young (and idealistic) enough to equate the nation’s capitol with the founding fathers & documents and have a great deal of reverence for the legislative bodies, even though I sensed that the Vietnam war was not being prosecuted, correctly.

At that time I blamed lyndon ((bravo sierra) johnson and his gang of sick-o-pants. It took some time for me to realize that they were only a symptom of the evil and corruption that pervades that place.

Speaking of lib/left politicos, the new governor (?) of the socialist republic of californication, has decided (?) (that would imply a thought process) that there should be a cessation of executions of murderous scumbags.

Not a week ago, it was reported that a previously convicted murderer had (allegedly) murdered his cell-mate. What does “the gov.” propose that his punishment should be? How about another life term? Can you say “super stupid”? I knew you could!!

This is not an isolated incident (although I haven’t the statistics on the frequency) and it makes sense to anyone with 2 half-wits to rub together. Unfortunately, it seems that anyone so endowed with intelligence (on the left) is irredeemably evil.

Anyone who is in “the system” is a potential victim of such a predator and it is the duty of “the system” to protect non-violent “incarcerees” from such predators. PLEASE contact your state legislators and see if wiser heads can prevail so that such idiocy dies not prevail.

“Incarcerees” and their families should raise unholy HE77 and the family of any inmate killed after the adoption of this travesty should file a wrongful death suit.

When wolves are quartered with lambs, to the detriment of the lambs, the keepers need to pay.

Now how about THAT???

In new zealand, one of the most virulent cesspools of anti-gun fervor, some crackpot shot up a mosque. The news(?) vitriol spewers spread their lies about why it happened, blaming President Trump, Christians, the NRA, you and me and everyone and everything except the cranially rectotic people(?) in the parliament of new zealand that dis-armed the populace.

The urinalysts (the group of cesspool sludge that replaced journalists) are, as a group, as virulent a cabal of anti-gunners as exists anywhere in society.

I want all of OUR cranially rectotic lib/leftists to dispense with the services of their bodyguards and security fences, walls and guard dogs and ADVERTISE that they have done so, and post copies of their anti-gun laws as protection against home invasion, etc.

They need to carry copies of said laws, to protect them on the street and ADVERTISE that.

If they are going to be such rabid proponents of dis-arming the populace, they need to “walk it like they talk it”.

In the REAL America, scum bags that prey on innocents are likely to meet an unexpected, violent end.

If the cesspool sludge that makes our laws had to suffer the consequences of their perfidy, I suspect that there would be fewer of them to commit such heinous acts, thereby making a significant contribution to cleaner air.

Just imagine the bernie sanders (AKA bravo sierra) koolaide drinker getting the wrong ball field and shooting up a bunch of lib/lefties. Infinitely possible, given the fact that those types are stupid enough to listen to the bravo sierra spouted by their leaders, thereby supporting the title “dimwads”.

So, the bottom line is what I have said, many times. There are only 2 types of people(?) that will try to take your guns. Some are stupid (or have cranial rectosis, which is a well-known cause of stupidity) and usually liberal. Some are just plain evil, usually leftist.

(Lastly ...) Support your 2nd Amendment, it supports your right to self-defense against all enemies, foreign, domestic, ordinary criminals or government criminals, the last being the original purpose.

Support your 2nd Amendment, it supports your right to self-defense against all enemies, foreign, domestic, ordinary criminals or government criminals, the last being the original purpose.


Heavenly Father, we continue to do Your work and ask Your blessing on our efforts. We ask Your blessing and protection on our protectors, wherever and however they serve. We ask Your guidance to bring us back in accordance with Your will. I all things I thank and praise You and, especially, for the Gift and Sacrifice or Your Son, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour, in Whose Name I pray, HOOAAAHHH!!!

Sgt. Mack, clear, leaving the air and closing station. HOOAAAHH!!!

All opinions stated in this class are the opinions of the instructor and may not reflect the opinions of the Editor and publisher.

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