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Print | Republican Party of Tulare County Starts Rally
Post Political News & Reports - Jul 20 2008
by Post Editor : editor@portervillepost.com

Click to Enlarge VISALIA CA. - Former California Secretary of State and California campaign chairman for Senator John McCain - Bill Jones - stopped by the Republican Party headquarters in Visalia on Sunday to speak to Tulare County Republicans about why we need Senator John McCain in the White House in 2008.

Sharing Senators McCain’s military history and his personal relationship with President Ronald Reagan, Mr. Jones talked openly about his efforts and why it’s necessary for the local Republicans to get involved in this campaign.

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Being center-right, McCain has a better chance at picking up California’s delegates than Obama who’s center-far-left. Those center-right independent’s, Mr. Jones continued, will in all likelihood, swing in McCain’s direction.

Ms Laura Gadke, who is the chairperson for the Republican Party of Tulare County and mid-western regional director for the California Republican Party and who hosted this event, chimed in as well as she let Mr. Jones conduct a cell phone demonstration on how to call voters and get them to vote Republican and for McCain.

In attendance and showing their support for McCain, were Republican candidates Danny Gilmore - 30th Assembly District, Connie Conway - 34th Assembly District and Tulare County District Attorney Phil Cline.

Tulare County, one will note, is Republican territory and their base are Conservatives and in that base are Christian Conservatives who still have concern’s over McCain’s pro-choice voting record and his recent decision to switch his support for the homosexual agenda for marriage to support the pro-family-values marriages in California.

Consistency is a core value, most Christians understand. And switching a core value, such as marriage between a man and a woman to … whatever … only makes sense to those who have a sliding scale in their core values.

Dr. Dobson, one of America’s Champions’ in the Christian media, has been urged by many in the Republican party to support Senator McCain, saying it’s what we do in the party – we get behind our candidates. However, Dr. Dobson may be holding out for total support for McCain until he sees the Republican party get behind the party’s faithful – Christian Conservatives.

The Post will do the same.

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