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(October 1941) - NWO map discovered by Helen Somers in Philadelphia in 1941
NEW WORLD ORDER EXPOSED : Post Editor - A. L. "LUCKY" Lucketta

This map was discovered by Helen Somers in a window in Philadelphia during World War II. It was completed in October 1941, before Pearl Harbor, was printed in bright colors by a cartographer named Maurice Gomberg in Philadelphia in 1942, and was displayed in his store window. Helen Somers immediately recognized the significance of the map and purchased several. At least a few original copies are still in existence, including one in the Library of Congress in Washington, DC.

1941 New World Order Map
The dimensions: of the map are nearly 36 inches by 25 inches

The original source of the plan that is described in detail on the map is not given. However, an examination of numerous documents of the period relating to the new world order indicate that the source must have been individuals related to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and/or the U.S. State Department.

The bottom of the map contains a detailed explanation of the U.S. policy for the New World Order. Some of the points of this policy are as follows:

A new world order for permanent peace and freedom will be established at the end of the War.

The U.S.A. must, altruistically, assume the leadership of the newly established world order.

The U.S.A., Britain, and the U.S.S.R. will undertake to guarantee peace to the nations, which will be permanently disarmed and demilitarized.

The U.S.A. will become invincible as a military, naval, and air power.

The U.S.S.R. will acquire the republics of Eastern Europe after the War.

There will be a demilitarized, federated United States of Europe.

Canada, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean islands will be incorporated into the United States of America.

The land of the ancient Hebrews, known as Palestine and Trans-Jordan, will be united as a demilitarized republic called Hebrewland.

All natural resources will be nationalized and distributed to all nations.

Banking, investments, railroads, and power plants will be nationalized everywhere.

A world common monetary system will be established.

The unified "Supreme War Council of the United Nations" will be reorganized and transformed into a "Supreme Military and Economic Council" to assist in reconstruction and to enforce world peace.

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