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"Letters to the Editor"

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Print | Remembering Water Starved People
Post Letter to the Editor - Sep 14 2010
by Post Editor : letters@portervillepost.com

Dear Sir, Remember water starved people standing in Food Lines last summer because of a 90% cut in water deliveries?

While people stood in "Food Lines" last summer, why did Jim Costa fly back to Washington and callously Roll Call "VOTE THREE TIMES" AGAINST Devin Nunes "TURN ON THE WATER PUMPS" Legislation?

On June 25, 2009 VOTE #463, July 14, 2009 VOTE #539 and July 23, 2009 Vote #616 Costa VOTED REPEATEDLY TO BLOCK and STOP Devin Nunes's "Turn On the Water Pumps" Legislation.

Even though Costa was a co-sponsor of Nunes' July 23 Legislation, Costa VOTED AGAINST "Turning On the Pumps". Costa's July 23, 2009 VOTE revealed his loyalty is to Nancy Pelosi, not us.

When farmers, farm workers and others questioned Costa's VOTES AGAINST turning on the pumps at meetings, Costa's knee jerk response was to call them Liars.

After being called liars people started to record Costa meetings, questions and answers.

At www.waterforall.com is Video footage of a Jim Costa February 2010 Mendota meeting denying voting against "Turning On the Pumps". Costa accused those who questioned him of lying.

Yet, at the Fresno Hispanic Rotary Club August 2010 meeting, when questioned about his votes, Costa confessed to VOTING THREE TIMES AGAINST "Turning On the Pumps". Costa said his vote did not matter because the votes were not in the Senate to Pass Turn On the Pumps, implying Feinstein and Boxer opposed turning on the pumps.

Remember in November to hold Jim Costa, Feinstein and Boxer accountable for destroying Valley Jobs.

Russ Waymire -- russwaymire@sbcglobal.net

Hanford, Ca. 93232

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