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Print | Costa's Roll Call and Turning the Pumps On
Post Letter to the Editor - Feb 04 2009
by Post Editor : letters@portervillepost.com

Hanford Sentinel Dear Editor -- I appreciate the opportunity to submit a letter to the editor to clarify to readers the information about events and votes on water legislation that has major economic repercussions for the entire Central Valley. I have attached a {PDF} copy of a recent guest Hanford Sentinel editorial that Congressman Costa has distributed in the Central Valley questioning my public comments concerning his voting record that he continues to distort. I live in an area that has waited for some positive news the five times came up last year in a Roll Call Vote to Turn On the Pumps, hoping it would pass to restore our water deliveries. Instead it was discouraging and disappointing to learn that our own Congressman, Jim Costa repeatedly voted against turning the pumps on.

Now instead of answering the question about his 3 Recorded votes to STOP the Turn on Pumps legislation, he attempts to divert attention by calling me as a Republican activist. He got part of it right, I am a valley activist first and foremost who will oppose any politician of any party who’s actions will damage the already fragile valley economy. I’m an activist who realizes we need to protect our valley JOBS and protect our valley water for current and future valley residents. I have attached a copy of my letter and also pasted it in this email as well.

Thank you for the opportunity to submit a letter to the editor, Russ

Letter to the Editor, February 4, 2010

Congressman Jim Costa responded to comments I made in my recent guest column concerning a 1-14-2010 Water meeting I attended in Los Banos about inaccurate statements Costa made about his voting record.

To re-cap, during the meeting Costa was questioned why he did not vote for all 7 of Devin Nunes different Legislative attempts to pass “Turn on the Water Pumps”. Costa responded he voted 6 of 7 times for Nunes Legislation.

Costa made the voting issue confusing when he claimed he voted 6 out of 7 times for Nunes 7 different attempts to pass “Turn On the Water Pumps”. Let’s eliminate the confusion Costa’s statement created because Costa only had 5 recorded Roll Call voting opportunities on Nune’s Legislation to “Turn On the Pumps”.

The facts are of the five recorded votes Costa VOTED 3 times to BLOCK and STOP “Turn On the Water Pumps” Legislation.

June 25, 2009, Roll Call Vote #463 Nunes’s Amendment to “Turn On the Pumps”. Costa VOTED to BLOCK and STOP the “TURN ON THE PUMPS” Amendment.

July 14, 2009, Roll Call Vote #539 Nunes’s Amendment to “Turn On the Pumps”. Costa again VOTED to BLOCK and STOP the “Turn On the Pumps” Amendment.

July 23, 2009, Roll Call Vote #616 Nunes’s Amendment to “Turn On the Pumps” Costa again VOTED to BLOCK and STOP the “Turn On the Pumps” Amendment.

Costa's vote on July 23 to BLOCK and STOP passage of “Turn On the Pumps” was the last voting opportunity to restore water deliveries before Costa left for summer vacation. Costa’s VOTE against restoring water deliveries was most disturbing because Costa was a co-sponsor of the amendment, in the weeks leading up to the vote Costa bragged to farmers he was a co-sponsor to restore their water deliveries then VOTED against the Amendment.

Does it make any sense for a Congressional Representative from the area most impacted by the water crisis too even VOTE one time against Turning the Water Pumps On?

Costa has deliberately and repeatedly misrepresented his voting record at meetings with farmers and farm workers? Costa owes them & Central Valley residents an APOLOGY!

Submitted by Russell Waymire -- russwaymire@sbcglobal.net from Hanford California

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