Porterville Post � - The Right News at the Right Time
Welcome to The Porterville Post -- A Christian Conservative publication. In the coming months we will be covering news from the local area and eventually expand with additional articles, writers and columnists. A.L."LUCKY" Lucketta : Editor
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The Porterville Post | On-Line News and Info | Humor : Dear Crabbie

(Nov 16 2013) - DEAR CRABBIE : Designed to Spread a Little Humor

Dear Crabbie: A rare mammal, the saola, has been photographed in Vietnam for the first time in 15 years. It's been nicknamed the "Asian unicorn" since it has two long horns instead of one. Pretty cool, huh? - Unicorn Spotter

Dear Spotter: Big deal. My neighbor has an animal with two long horns. He calls it a goat.

Dear Crabbie: Kmart is introducing a rent-to-own program for big ticket items. Would you take advantage of their offer? - Bargain Babe

Dear BB: Only if it extends to potential husbands.

Dear Crabbie: Apparently, Miley Cyrus smoked pot on stage at a recent music awards ceremony because she thought it would be very funny. Is she classy, or what? - Astonished

Dear Astonished: Where's a sinkhole when you need one.

Dear Crabbie: According to a recent interview on NBC, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi claimed Democrats are not losing confidence in the president's ability to make the Affordable Care Act work. Would you agree? - Wishful

Dear Wishful: Sounds like a load of Pelosi to me.

Dear Crabbie: In computer terms, the memory capacity of the human brain is estimated at about 2 petabytes, although I think mine is much less. How does your brain's memory compare? - Retention Challenged

Dear RC: My memory works fine, as long as I have access to Google.

Dear Crabbie: Looks like famed TV pitchman Kevin Trudeau if off to jail after being found guilty of criminal contempt for exaggerating the contents of his weight-loss book in infomercials. What should he do next? - Foul Pitcher

Dear FP: Change his web site from KevinTrudeau.com to KevinTrudeau.con

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Welcome to the newest on-line new service in the Porterville area. Our goal is to report the right news at the right time. In doing this, we believe that the community will get a greater sence of being connected.

The Right News @ The Right Time

Our second goal is to report above and beyond the main stream media.

Politically Inform and Educate

Our third goal is to politically inform and educate the public at lareg.

A Conservative Publication

The Porterville Post is a conservative publication and news service and when the Post makes a mistake in our reporting, we'll address it "Right Here" and if needed, with an appology. Please feel free to contact us with your comments or suggestions.

Writers | Columnists | Reporters

The Post, in the new few weeks, will be looking for new writers, columnists and reporters. We understand the need for new writers to have the chance of starting a new career and we'd like to offer a free internship at the Post.

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The Porterville Post : Post Office Box 925 Porterville CA. 93258
For more Information - editor@portervillepost.com
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