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Print | Angel on Window Draws More Seekers
Post Faith Articles - Jul 30 2008
by Post Editor : editor@portervillepost.com

Click to Enlarge PORTERVILLE, CA. - And what a spectacle this was. They started coming again last night around 7:30 hoping to position their cell phone camera’s just right to get a picture of the angel in the window – like the hundreds had done on previous nights.

In the background you could hear a few in the crowd asking, “What is this all about and what is the “Angel in the window” trying to tell the people of Porterville - let alone the rest of the world.”

In the foreground and standing in front of Color Tiles angelic windows, you could see and hear Christian’s preaching the Gospel and attempting to explain what the crowds were trying to see and how the lights from across the street from the Express Mini mart gas station in conjunction with other lights conjured this display of lights.

And yet the crowd grew and continued staring into the “looking-glass” on Olive Ave waiting for the right time to caption the moment on camera.

Some grew tired of waiting on the “Angel in the window” and started focusing their cell phones and camera’s on other objects, including the palm tree out in front. And you guessed it, someone said they saw an image of Jesus in the leaves of the palm tree and the crowd grew so big that they took over half the east bound lanes slowing traffic down.

Expectations from the folks were very mixed while additional media came with their camera and crews asking the pilgrims from Porterville, “What did you see and what does this mean to you?”

The Post left around 9:15pm last night and knew what we saw – people who wanted to see what they wanted to see. Most of these people wandered aimlessly amongst themselves, acting and behaving like lost and lonely people.

The sad truth was this … these folks were looking for a sign instead of looking for a Savior.

PRAYER : Dear LORD, Please let these people see the true LIGHT, and that’s You. And please protect the people who travel to Porterville to see this “Angel in the window” and please LORD, let the other Christians come, not as spectators but as evangelists. In JESUS CHRIST Name.

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