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Russ Waymire
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Print | What's Gone Wrong With the Water Projects ?
RIGHT from RUSS © - Apr 03 2016
with Russ Waymire : russ@portervillepost.com

RIGHT from RUSS - with Russ Waymire

My ancestors, like many midwest 1930’s Dust Bowl casualties, migrated to California’s Central Valley. Why settle here? Because the (CVP) Central Valley Water Projects created all kinds of Valley jobs and opportunities.

What’s gone wrong?

Politicians passed laws seizing CVP Friant & Westside contract water, turning the Central Valley into a “Politician Created Dust Bowl”. Politicians force us to pay for water delivery systems and for water not received. Thanks to inaction by Republican & Democrat Presidents Bush #1,Clinton, Bush #2 and Obama Valley residents are hauling water water in tanks and barrels to survive, drink and bathe.

How did this happen?

Before the 1992 election, Bush #1 signed the 1992 CVPIA water law that revoked Friant & Westside water contracts, re-prioritizing the CVP, giving Bay area environmentalists control over Valley water. President Bush promised not to sign the Democrats radical CVPIA water law; President Bush broke his promise.

When Bill Clinton was President (1993-2000); did Clinton solve the “Water Crisis” while Controlling both Houses of Congress? NO! In Fact, Clinton signed U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein & Valley Politician Jim Costa’s Cal-Fed Bay Delta Law, causing more Valley farmland to be permanently Dried Up.

When Bush #2 was president (2001-2008); did he solve the “Water Crisis” when controlling both Houses of Congress? NO!

Did President Obama (2009-2016), solve the “Water Crisis” while controlling both houses of Congress? NO!! Obama made things worse signing Congressman Jim Costa’s 2009 San Joaquin River Restoration Act into Law taking more water from the Valley!!

Jim Costa’s 2009 San Joaquin River Friant Water Legislation is drying up Central Valley Jobs, Farms & Cities by diverting our precious valley water resources to his Crony Political Friends in the Bay area.

Tired of Lying Politicians like Clinton, the Bush’s, Obama and Jim Costa who will say anything to get reelected?

Johnny Tacherra is running for Congress against Jim Costa in the Fresno Madera Merced Congressional District area, we encourage you to support Johnny Tacherra and contact any friends or relatives who live in the Fresno, Madera N]Merced area and encourage them to support and Vote Johnny Tacherra for Congress. You can best explain first hand the water disaster that Costa created and left behind for us. It’s time to retire Jim Costa.

We cannot afford mistakes this election. We need principled Congressional Representatives and a President who believes in the Constitution.

Ted Cruz has a principled honest track record. We encourage you to support, for President, Ted Cruz.

Russ Waymire

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