The Porterville Post © - The Right News at the Right Time

At the Crossroad
Juan for the Post - Mar 06 2008
by Juan Alvarado :

Clinton just won Ohio and Texas, Obama is fixing to go on the offensive, and McCain is parting at the White House. For some this is good media, for others, it's politics as usual, but for some American's it is the time of tough decision making. And decisions do not go without consequences and it is the consequences that we should fear the most.

I heard an Elder once say that many times he was forced to make decisions upon someone else making decisions. My fellow Americans this is the time that the decisions we make will impact what happens tomorrow and what impact they will have on others.

The candidates of mention provide nothing more than "mushy thinking," that is they provide points strictly on passion, personal views, crowd pleasing ideas, or plainly said "lazy thinking or ideas." There is no substance to what they say. Billary constantly brings up her experience in the White House.

See, she did run the White House from '92-'02 and look at the mess that was and while in the senate she tittered back and forth on issues! Obama, well, what has he done anyhow? Mr. Obama what change are you talking about? When all you did was vote totally on the liberal side and have not produced anything that is of any worth to Americans.

Mr. McCain all we want and every wanted was for you to play on our side and sometimes you didn't. I just hope the things you are saying now are legit and are not mere comments to gain The White House.

My fellow American's, we are the crossroads and all I can tell you, is make sure you really put thought into your decision.

You decide.

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